Author Archives: admin

Teen Combines the Dangers of Texting and Alcohol | Teens Against Distracted Driving

Whats worse than texting while driving? Texting while driving while driving intoxicated.

Learn more about this dangerous combination and stupid texting while driving car accident at Straight Talk Law

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

South Carolina Man Dies in Texting While Driving Accident | Teens Against Distracted Driving

It saddens us to have to report on yet another fatal texting while driving auto accident. This time it occurred in South Carolina and the woman admitted to texting before the time of the crash.

Learn more about this tragic and fatal texting while driving car accident at Straight Talk Law

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

Florida Woman Takes Distracted Driving to a New Level | Teens Against Distracted Driving

Driving distracted is no joke and we all know how dangerous it is. This ridiculous car accident in Florida involves a unique distraction that we have not yet come across. Thankfully no one was hurt because it was an accident that will make you scratch your head and maybe cause a chuckle or two.

Read more about this strange shaving while driving car accident at Straight Talk Law

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

TextBak Application Aims to Prevent Distracted Driving | Teens Against Distracted Driving

Own a BlackBerry or a smart phone and want an application that can help you resist the urge to read that text or email while behind the wheel? Auto TextBak may be your solution.

Learn more about the App that wants to stop distracted driving at Straight Talk Law

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

9 High School Students “Die” in Mock Car Accident | Teens Against Distracted Driving

Granite City High School wants to warn its students of the dangers of texting while driving. They organized and put together a ‘fake wake’ last week and created a mock car accident which pretended to take the lives of 9 of the students.

Read more about this powerful anti texting while driving campaign at Straight Talk Law.

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

AT&T Joins the Fight Against Texting While Driving | Teens Against Distracted Driving

AT&T asks cell phone users in their new campaign to take a look at the last text message that they have received. They then want you to ask yourself if this text is worth endangering your own and the lives of others.
Learn more about the ‘It Can Wait’ anti texting while driving campaign at Straight Talk Law

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

Washington One Step Closer to a Stricter Texting While Driving Ban | Teens Against Distracted Driving

Last week in Olympia, the Washington House of Representatives approved a stricter ban on texting while driving in the state of Washington.

Check out the details of the
Washington texting while driving bill at Straight Talk Law.

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

TADD to Sponsor 1st Annual Washington Strongest School Competition | Teens Against Distracted Driving

Teens Against Distracted Driving has become a sponsor of the First Annual Washington Strongest Schools Competition. The competition will challenge the fitness of high school students who will compete to raise awareness around the importance of physical… education and activity for healthier communities. The event’s lead sponsor is Maximum Sports Conditioning and will benefit the Austin Foundation and will take place May 22nd 11a-4p at Memorial Stadium. TADD will be donating $100 that will be given to the winning team and will also hope to get hundreds of Washington high school students to take the TADD pledge.

Number of Texting Drivers in Washington is Increasing | Teens Against Distracted Driving

Pemco Insurance just completed a survey and report that produced startling results. The report found that Washington residents are texting more often than ever. Perhaps the most disturbing finding from the survey was how LARGE this increase turned out to be.

See the rest of the texting while driving statistics at Straight Talk Law.

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm 8 Straight Talk Law.