Author Archives: admin

What’s Up In Arizona? Are They OK With Drinking and Driving Too?| Teens Against Distracted Driving

For the second year in a row Arizona did not pass a bill that would ban texting while driving. Both sides of the argument presented their cases, and unfortunately the opponents got their way.

Read the details on the texting while driving ban at Straight Talk Law.

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

Very Graphic Anti-Texting While Driving Public Service Announcement | Teens Against Distracted Driving

We have seen here on Teens Against Distracted Driving that organizations are using public service announcements to reach out to communities. A police department in Gwent, a South Wales community, created perhaps one of the most controversial, yet effective videos we have seen thus far.

The video is extremely graphic, but they wanted it to be this way in order for it to remain in people’s minds. Texting while driving is incredibly dangerous, and while some people may think the video is too gruesome or graphic, the sad reality is you are putting yourself in the same position as the girls in the video each time that you text behind the wheel.

Watch the video here on the Gwent police department’s website

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

Teen Cyclist Killed by Texting Driver in Huntington Beach | Teens Against Distracted Driving

Huntington Beach teen cyclist is killed by texting driver. Most do not think that they will cause an accident. Read this story to see why you probably will. This driver is like all of us.

Read the story here

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

We Must Be Patient in Our Efforts Against Distracted Driving | Teens Against Distracted Driving

Efforts to stop people from texting while driving will take time. We have to learn from efforts to stop drunk driving, that it takes years for users to change their habits. We have taken good first steps, now lets continue the march. Help us stop texting while driving Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

Courts Attempting to Convict Man of Manslaughter in Texting While Driving Accident | Teens Against Distracted Driving

A 2007 California bicyclist is injured by a driver while impaired and texting. The courts are moving to convict him of manslaughter. He will likely have to do jail time. Are you heading for the same fate?

Read about the bicyclist texting while driving case

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

Manslaughter Charges for Texting While Driving | Teens Against Distracted Driving

California juries are finding drivers guilty of manslaughter for texting while driving their vehicles. Can it happen to you?

Continue reading to find out

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

California Drivers and the Dangers of Distracted Driving | Teens Against Distracted Driving

Texting, drugs and distracted driving can be very dangerous to all of us on the road. Read this article on the increasing danger for distracted drivers in California, the consequences and sad endings for the injured and driver alike.

The article on the increasing dangers of driving in California

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

Metrolink Train Accident in California Caused By Texting Engineer | Teens Against Distracted Driving

California Metrolink train transportation accident was related to texting by the engineer. Metrolink and other train operators are updating operational safety standards and modernizing travel cars in the event of an accident.

Continue reading this story

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

Woman Almost Killed By Texting Driver | Teens Against Distracted Driving

Near accident with workman on the side of the road is barely avoided and caused by texting driver. Read this harrowing story of a deadly accident averted by the efforts of a passing driver.

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Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.

Bill to Ban Texting While Driving Fails to Pass in South Dakota | Teens Against Distracted Driving

South Dakota attempted to join the fight against texting while driving by trying to pass a bill in the House this week. Unfortunately, the bill fell short by four votes.

Continue reading this story on why opponents did not want to pass the texting while driving ban at Straight Talk Law.

Teens Against Distracted Driving was founded by Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Jason Epstein who is also the founder of the Seattle law firm Straight Talk Law.