Author Archives: admin

Did texting/tweeting play a role in plastic surgeon’s death?

In Los Angeles, police are investigating the accident that killed local celebrity plastic surgeon Frank Ryan, including the chance texting/tweeting from his phone may have been involved.

According to the Associated Press, Ryan’s last post on Twitter was at 4:10 p.m. PDT Monday. It included a photo of his dog looking out at the ocean with the caption, “Border collie jill surveying the view from atop the sand dune.” The crash was first reported 24 minutes later at 4:34 p.m. by a motorist who witnessed the accident. Police say the doctor’s 1995 Jeep Wrangler went off the side of Pacific Coast Highway near Malibu and landed on its roof Monday afternoon.

NASCAR driver helps promote anti-texting campaign

Colin Braun's hood with no texting logo

The Missouri State Highway Patrol launched their campaign calling for drivers to stay off cell phones and PDAs while behind the wheel, and they’ve recruited NASCAR  driver Colin Braun to help promote it.

Braun’s #16 car sported the new anti-texting logo on Saturday at NASCAR’s Nationwide Series race in Madison, Ill at Gateway International Raceway.

Colin Braun's #16 NASCAR car

In Missouri, it is illegal for drivers under 21 to text and drive. Twenty-five percent of crashes each year in the state are caused by inattentive driving.

Braun secured his highest finish of the season on Satruday at Gateway International Raceway. 

Washington state banks nearly $100,000 on new distracted driving law in 28 days

Updated numbers from Washington state’s distracted driving law:

As of July 8, the Washington State Patrol has issued 736 citations for talking and 43 for texting behind the wheel. At $124 per ticket, that means the state has banked nearly $100,000 in 28 days.

The Patrol has issued 504 warnings for talking and 44 for texting since the new law went into effect, even though the Patrol touted a no grace period policy for the act, that has been a secondary offense for two years.

Washington state’s cell phone and driving ban has led to 670 citations between June 10 and July 1

Close to 670 drivers state wide in Washington have been ticketed and fined $124 for talking on handheld phones or texting behind the wheel.

It seems more Washingtonians are talking while driving, or at least it’s easier to catch than those texting. The State Patrol has issued 633 citations for talking and 34 citations for texting while driving.

The Seattle Police Department says they have not tracked the number of citations since the law went into effect.

B.C. Drunk Driving and Texting Accident Kills 1| Washington Auto Accident Attorneys

Drunk driving alone accounts for a significant number of auto accidents and fatalities each year. Being a Seattle car accident attorney and Bellevue wrongful death lawyer, I have witnessed the consequences of intoxicated driving and the impact it has on the families involved.

On June 11th A 23-year-old passenger was killed in a reckless driving accident in Cranbrook B.C. Officials cite both alcohol and texting played a significant contribution in the accident.

At about 3 a.m., the 24-year-old driver hit a cliff and then rolled over three lanes of traffic on Highway 3.

The passenger, Ian Shepherd, was not wearing a seat-belt at the time and was thrown from the vehicle and was instantly killed in the impact. The Driver, who was wearing a seat-belt, sustained only minor injuries

According to investigators, the Blood Alcohol Level of the driver was twice the legal limit. They also believe he was texting moments before the rollover collision.

It is always difficult to learn of lives lost in auto accidents. The last thing you want to worry about in these situations is legal issues. In an attempt to provide you with much deserved help and assistance, I have co-authored a book with attorney Patrick J. Kang which is a guide for families of Washington wrongful death victims.  The book is called, In Case of Death: Straight Talk on Washington Wrongful Death, and is available at no charge to Washington residents by clicking on the preceding link.

This information is provided by Premier Law Group. Premier Law Group is a group of Seattle Personal Injury attorneys who work with Washington car accidents, Washington serious injuries and Washington employee rights cases among other practice areas. Contact our Seattle law office at 1-888-333-1873 to schedule a free and confidential case evaluation. Or, visit Straight Talk Law where you can order free books on Washington auto accidents, buying Washington auto insurance, and other valuable legal information.


Do hands-free devices make for safer drivers?

Absolutely not, says one University of Utah researcher.  Washington state goes hands free tomorrow, with fines for talking or texting while driving amounting to $125.

David Strayer is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Utah. His new concern is the iPad, which could add a whole new level of distraction for drivers.

Listen to the whole story on KPLU,